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  2. Online learning experience

Will Nexford expel students if they get a C in their course?

Passing grades for AAS, BBA and Intermediate Certificates is a minimum of a C in each course.

Passing grades for MBA and Advanced Certificates is a minimum of a B in each course.

Learners in all Nexford programs must repeat any course they have failed. If a learner fails a course twice, they will be placed on an SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) plan to ensure they successfully complete the course.  If the learner fails to pass the course on the third attempt, they will be dismissed from the University.  All course attempts will be listed on the learner record with only the highest score included in their CGPA, however all attempts are included in the pace calculation for SAP. 

Note: Assignments submitted for the repeated courses are expected to reflect new approaches and insights into that topic. Learners may not merely copy and paste substantial sections from one assignment to be submitted again. Any use of prior work is at the discretion of the instructor, and prior approval is required before submitting prior work.

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