What is the PATHWAY program - BEP1000 Business Essentials (BBA) all about?

Since you do not yet have the requirements to enroll in our BBA, I would recommend you enroll in our Business Essentials (BBA) pathway program.

Taking the Business Essentials program would allow you to gain business skills while retaking your national exam/processing your transcript. You will have more time to process your school documents.

These 7 courses will be credit transferred into the BBA Program once you've met the admission requirements. That means instead of doing the 40 courses, you will only take 33 courses allowing you to complete the program much faster.

Learn more at https://www.nexford.edu/pathways/business-essentials or watch this 3-minute video at https://nexforduniversity.com/BEP1000-self-certification and let me know what you think! 😊